Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute-Gampaha

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Search Results

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  • Item
    Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of Acronychia pedunculata fresh extract against Staphylococcus aureus: a study in vitro
    (Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Muthukuda, M.A.C.L
    In vitro antibacterial activity of fresh extracts of stem bark, leaves and combined sample of Acronychia pedunculata found in Sri Lanka were investigated against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and found the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration. Kirby Baurer Well diffusion method of antibacterial Susceptibility Testing was used to determine antibacterial activity of each fresh extract. Dilution series for Minimum Inhibitory Concentration were prepared. Amoxacillin and distilled water were used as positive and negative control respectively. Zone diameters were interpreted and data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that there was antibacterial effect of each sample. The highest zone diameter was observed for the combined sample; fresh extracts of stem bark and leaves (11.67mm). This could be due to the synergetic activity of each compound from each plant material used in this study. Fresh extracts of stem bark showed the second most (11mm) and fresh extracts of leaves the least (9mm). As fresh extracts of stem bark and leaves of Acronychia pedunculata (combined sample) showed the highest activity, dilution series from that sample were prepared. The minimum inhibitory concentration of combined sample for the growth of Staphylococcus aureus was 10-2 mg/ml. This could be further investigated for more gram positive and negative bacterial and fungal species. It is worth to investigate each extract individually using various chromatographic techniques and identify the active ingredients separately.
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    Evaluation of the anti-bacterial effect of traditional Lodhradi lepa and Lodhradi cream against the laboratory specimen of staphylococcus aureus: a laboratory experiment
    (Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Madushani, P.A.K.; Wickramarachchi, W.J.
    Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease which destroys the beauty and cause disfigurement of the face especially in the adolescence. Acne vulgaris is known as Mukhadushika or Yuvana Pidaka in Ayurveda. Acne vulgaris, secondary infected by Staphylococcus aureus. Lodhradi lepa is an external application for Yuvana Pidaka in Ayurveda. The study was to test the anti-bacterial activity of the traditional Lodhradi lepa and Lodhradi cream against the Staphylococcus aureus. The anti-bacterial sensitivity test was done on well diffusion method with freshly prepared drugs. In trial one it was tested with freshly prepared drugs and the second trial was done with two different concentrations of freshly prepared drugs. In both trials the zone diameters were among 00-12mm and as the diameters were not among the resistant or susceptible level Staphylococcus aureus is not susceptible to these external ointments. Erythromycin the positive one was highly susceptible. Staphylococcus aureus was not susceptible for the traditional Lodhradi lepa and Lodhradi cream. The traditional Lodhradi lepa and Lodhradi cream would be used in acne vulgaris to reduce inflammation like symptoms due to its pacifying properties.
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    Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of Thila Nimbhadi Kalka against laboratory specimen of Staphylococcus aureus.
    (Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka, 2017) Karunarathna, S.B.M.M.M.; Disanayake, K.G.C.
    Drugs from natural sources have been used in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Currently available synthetic antibiotics cause serious side effects and harm vital organs. Thus it is a need of present society to identify newer antibiotics from herbal sources to prevent from such serious effects. In compendium of Sushruta Samhita, preceptor Sushruta has mentioned an important prescription called Thila Nimbhadi Kalka which is used as antiseptic drug for wound cleansing. The objective of the research was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Thila Nimbhadi Kalka (paste of Azadirachta indica, Sesamum indicum and bee honey) and its squeezed watery extract, by using Agar Well Diffusion method. Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC25923) was used as bacterial strain for this evaluation. Finely grounded paste of Nimbhaleaves, Thila seed and bee honey were used as sample D Squeezed watery extract of above paste 1.was used as sample D These two samples were tested for Antibacterial Sensitivity Test (ABST), 2.according to the well diffusion method to explore their potent antibacterial activity against laboratory specimen of Staphylococcus aureus. Zones of inhibition was measured by scaling and analyzed by statistic package of Minitab software. The mean inhibitory zone diameters of sample D and D were 24mm and 21mm respectively. Accordingly sample D showed maximum 1 2 1antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and it was within the range of standard sensitivity value of Amoxicillin. Sample D also showed antibacterial activity against above 2bacterium. But it was not within the range of standard sensitivity value of Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is normally used as an oral antibiotic for bacterial infections. However ThilaNimbhadi kalka was in standard sensitivity similar to Amoxicillin. Hence it can be highly accepted as an extrinsic local antibacterial application in the management of infected wound.
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    A study on the effects of a Kuppilai (Ennai) oil in the management of chronic wounds.
    (Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka, 2017) Anpuchelvy, S.; Sritharan, G.
    Abstract Buddharaja Kalka is a herbo-mineral drug preparation. However, there are three prescriptions available in Sri Lanka. It is used in upper respiratory diseases, particularly in common cold and bronchial asthma etc. The evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the Buddharaja kalka with Makarandan anupana against Staphylococcus aureus was the main objecdtive of this study. Sadilingam, Gandaka, Hiriyal, Manosheela, Sasyaka, Ahipena are special ingredients in the Buddharaja Kalka and it consists of 1/3 of Sweta Chandana and 1/3 of Rakta Chandana. Three market samples of Buddharaja Kalka from different manufactures were selected. Single minimum human dosage in daily doses of this drug (5g) was dissolved in Makarandanvilapambul Anupana and shaked well to get the maximum soluble liquid extract. Nutrient broth and nutrient agar were prepared and sterilized according to manual. The tests were performed by well diffusion method. According to the results, Amoxicillin showed 2cm - 2.5cm clear inhibition zones of the bacterial lawn on every test drug sample. Buddharaja Kalka sample A showed 15 mm zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus while sample B showed 17 mm zone and sample C showed 18 mm zone of inhibition. These results were statistically analyzed by using SPSS software. All the means were within accepted levels and p value was set at P < 0.5 in comparison to Amoxicillin. All 3 samples which were tested had an antibacterial effect in comparison to the control. It can be concluded that Buddharaja Kalkaya with Makarandan Anupana had an anti-bacterial effect against the Staphylococcus aureus.