Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute-Gampaha
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Item Role of Darvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in Mukhapaka w.s.r. to Stomatitis(Cloud Publications, 2016) Peiris, K.P.P.; Abegunasekara, N.S.; Sandamali, K.I.Mukha Swasthya (oral hygiene) has gained importance now days, because mukha (oral cavity) is such anga, which is exposed to many risk factors in day-to-day life. Mukhapéka is one such disease which causes a lot of discomfott to the sufferer and seen in all classes of the society. It is also called Sarvasara Mukharoga. The aggravated doshas move through the oral cav•ty and produces the päka. The lakshanas of mukhapåka can be correlated to a clinical entity "Aphthous ulced' (recurrent ulcerative stomatitis) explained in the contemporary medical science, which is also characterized by painful superficial ulcers in the movable mucosa of the mouth with recurrent episodes. Currently, the treatment for the Aphthous ulcer being very limited, the present clinical study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Datvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in the same. 30 patients were registered for the trial and were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group A treated with the treatment with Patola katuka bhiru panta, Kaishor guggu/u and Dan-vee Guduchyadi Gandoosha_ Group B treated the treatment with only the Patola katuka bhiru panta, Kaishor guggufu internally. The results were statistically significant in Group A. Group A was found to be more efficacious in hastening the healing of Mukhapäka compared to Group a.Item Role of Darvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in Mukhapaka w.s.r. to Stomatitis, Cloud Publications(Cloud Publications, 2016) Peiris, K.P.P.; Abegunasekara, N.S.; Sandamali, K.I.Muklra Swast]lya (oral llygirne) has guilled Importance now adays. because Mukhd(orai ca\iiv) is as Anga- which is exposed to many risk factors in day-to-day life. Mukhapaka is one such disease which causes a lot of dl,scoynfort to the sufferer and seen in all classes or the sociely. It is also called as Sarvasara Mukharoga, {'he aggravated L)oshas move through the oral cavity and produces thepakafsuppuration). The symptoms of Mukhapaka can be correlated to a clinical entiTy "Aphihous ulcer" explained in the contemporary medical science. which is also characterized by painlUl superficial ulcers in thc movable mucosa of the moulh with recurrent episodes. Currently. the treatment for the aphthous ulcer being very limited. the present clinical study was desig71ed to lhe efficacv of J9ctrt'ee in the same. Patiems Mukhapaka who reported 10 the .ENI* clinic at Gampaha Wickramaarachchi Ayurveda Hospilal were enro)led On The basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria and they were diAided randomly in to two groups. Group A was Treated with Kai"/.'om C uggn/nb and Dance locally Croup B SGIh only the Paiolakaruka,blliru Pantaand Kaishora Gugguluinternally. When comparing the p value, group A has shown significan results than g-rcup E for oral mucosal blisters, oral mucosal ulceration, oral Inueosal swelling and burning sensation respecrively. Croup A was found to be more efficacious in hastening The healing of Mukhapaka.Item Microbiological Study of Indigenous Mouth Wash (Gandusha) for Periodontal Diseases(1st International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine – ICEIM – 2018, Organized by Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2018) Peiris, K.P.P.; Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Dewasurendra, D.M.W.Gandusha is clinically effective in the management of periodontal diseases. This study is an in-vitro analysis on determining the antimicrobial efficacy of this drug using standard Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test against a fungal culture isolated from a patient. The test was performed according to the Well diffusion method having 6mm diameter wells on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Each well was loaded with the test drug mixed in 20gl of sterile distilled water and fluconazole 2.5mg / ml was used as the positive control. According to the results the test drug showed an average Inhibition Zone Diameter (IZD) Of 19mm while the positive control showed IZD of 15mm. Therefore it can be stated that the test drug is more effective than the positive control 2nd the isolated culture is sensitive to the test drug as it had shown a IZD of 19mm while it is intermediate sensitive for the positive control as 15mm comes under Intermediate sensitive range (15-18mm). These results support the fact that the indigenous mouth wash (Gandusha) is effective in the management of periodontal diseasesItem In-vitro Microbiological Study on; an Indigenous Mouthwash (Gandusha) for Periodontal Disease(International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2019) Peiris, K.P.P.; Samaranayake, G.V.P.Gandusha is clinica.lly effective in the management of perindontal disease. This study is an in-vitro anaiysis on dctcrmining the antimicrobral efficacl of the drug using standard Antimicrohial Sensitivity Test agamst a fungtrl culture isolated from a patient. Thc test was periormed according to the Well diffusion method having 6 mm diameter uells on Sahouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Each rr-ell rvas ioaded rrith the test drug nrired in 20 pl of sterile distilled rvater and l'luconazole 2.5 mg/ ml was used as the posrtive control. Accordrng to the results the test drug sho*'ed lnhibitory Zone Diameter (lZD) ol 1-5 mm. Therclbre rt can be stiited that the test drug is more elI'ective than the positive control and the isolated culture is sensitive to the rest drug as it had shown a IZD of l9 mm while it is intermedtate sensitive for the positive control as 15 mm comes under Intermediate Sensitive range (l-5 - 18 mm). These results support the fact that the indigenous nrouth wash (Candusha) is efttctive rn the management ofpcriodontal disease.