Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute-Gampaha
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Item Evaluation of the Effect and Efficacy of Herbal Application Mentioned in Sharangadhara Samhita in Enhancing the Skin Complexion(International Journal of Ayurveda, 2020) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Wijesinghe, K.D.A.Since ancient times, women to enhance skin complexion have used various herbals. Among them most of the remedies have been used for skin as pastes, oils and fine powders. There is lot of formulas in Ayurveda text for enhancing skin complexion. Sri Sharangadhara Samhita is one of the valuable Ayurveda texts. The present study was aimed to observe the effect and efficacy in enhancing the complexion of the face using a herbal paste in Sri Sharangadhara Samhita. The clinical study was conducted for 50 participants of both sexes who complained of darkness of face. According to the results observed in present study, this herbal application has shown significant result in enhancing the complexion of the face without any adverse reactions. As P value was equal to 0.000 and it was less than 0-01, the paste has given a significant result in enhancing face complexion.Item Therapeutic regimen for dislocations used by Traditional Ayurveda physicians in Sri Lanka(International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2020) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Katugampola, B.K.The history of traditional medicine runs beyond the era of great king Rawana. Throughout many years, it has developed its own way independently according to the needs of the human being. It is gifted from generation to generation as a great heritage which helps to maintain the health of the Sri Lankan nation. The aim ofthe study was to demonstrate a treatment regimen used by traditional Ayurveda physiciancohort to treat fractures and dislocations. This article is a case report of 45 years old Sri Lankan female who had faced a road traffc accident and dislocated her right sterno-clavicular joint. Treatment regimen contain three phases contains 21 days. The plants used in this therapeutic regimen has special properties such as Vedanasthapana, Shothahara, Sthambana, Balya, Thridoshashamaka and Asthisandhanakara property which help to heal fractures. Most of the drugs have Katu, Thiktha, Kashaya taste and Laghu, Theekshana, Snigdha, Ruksha properties. Among the all drugs majority of drugs are in Ushna veerya, which have powerful Vathashamaka properties. When considering above properties and action this fracture and dislocation healing regimen of Katugampala tradition is very successful.Item Comparative study of coagulation effect of Diospyros Malabarica(International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2019) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Bandara, A.M.A.G.K.S.In most of the Ayurvedic remedies, Diospyros malabarica is used to obtain Rakthasthambana (coagulation) effect. The effect of leaves and stem bark extract of Diospyros malabarica on human blood coagulation was investigated using Lee and White method at Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute in Sri Lanka. A total of 20 healthy individuals representing both sex were included in the study. For the test group, three tubes containing a volume of 0.5mL of stem bark extract were allocated, and the sap was replaced with normal saline for the tubes of the control group. A volume of 1mL of drawn blood was quickly added for every six tubes in situ, and all were incubated in a water bath at 37'C. Every tube of two groups was observed carefully for a clot to measure the average clotting time of each group separately. Above procedure was repeated to all the fresh juice samples of stem bark and the leaves of Diospyros malabarica. The statistically significant reduction of average clotting time has proved that the stem bark of Diospyros malabarica and leaves of Diospyros malabarica have a highly' significant effect on clotting cascade.Item Yoga Asana for Memory Enhancement (A Literary Survey)(4th Annual Research Conference TRInCo -2019, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Karunaratne, H.K.B.M.S.The practice of yoga includes static and dynamic postures (Asana), breathing manipulations (Pranayama and meditation (Dhyana). Yoga is a tool which works in the gross body level to the shuttle mind level. Yoga is a simple and inexpensive health regimen that can be incorporated as an effective adjuvant therapy for the improvement of brain and mental activity. This study was aimed to review scientific literatures related to yoga practice for memory enhancement. The results were analyzed using simple percentages. It is concluded that regular practice of yoga asana develops the physical and mental capabilities, which improves the memory power, grasping power and intelligence.Item A Survey on the attitudes of the Ayurveda medical students toward cadaver dissection(Annual academic sessions 2019 –Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya ,Sri Lanka, 2019) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Chandimal, K.M.Cadaveric dissection is a fundamental tool in teaching anatomy Although this facilitates students to understand the theories and the concepts of the discipline, presently cadavefic dissections seems to be reduced due to negative attitudes such as exposure to hazardous chemicals: and time consumption among other things. In this study. the attitudes of Ayurveda medical students 10M ards the cadaveric dissection were analyzed during their BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surge1Y) course. This a cross- sectional study. Data were collected from students of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya who have completed Anatomy course in Preclinical phase. A self-administered questionnaire in five point Likert scale was given to 110 students. This study revealed that 67% of the respondents found their first visit to the dissection hall exciting and 90% were shocked to see the cadaver for the first time. Between 60% and 94% of students held positive attitudes towards the dissection. Ninety-four per cent of the students were detenninecl. interested, and ready to study anatomy with cadaveric dissection. Eighty-five per cent students reported that the undergraduate curriculum should include the dissection method for teaching modality of Anatomy. Hundred per cent of students have showed a sense of gratitude to the people and/or the relatives who had donated their bodies. Although dissections have gixen an unpleasant experience for mgiority of BAMS graduates at the beginning they conclude that cadaveric dissections ave an essential part of teaching Anatomy in 13AMS degree program.Item Interactivity in Goodsalls’ Rule and Fistula-in-ano(International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), 2020) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Chandimal, K.M.Fistula-in-ano is a tract lined by granulation tissue which opens deeply in the anal canal or rectum and superficially on the skin around the anus. Managing fistula-in-ano is a challenging task. Because recognizing the internal opening and cause of the fistula tract is difficult. goth external and internal openings of the fistula tract are essential for the complete identification of the tract. The purpose of the present study was to study the relevance between Goodsall's rule and course of the fistula tract. A sample of 106 patients with simple fistula was studied. In this study Hydrogen Peroxide was injected by using syringe through the external opening of the fistula and seenthe appearance of air bubbles which are come out from the internal opening. The site and number of internal and external openings and the course of the tract were recorded, The median age of the participants was 37 years. The majority were male 157.54%). Thirty one point one percent (31.1%) showed intersphincteric fistula, 51,8% showed transphincteric fistula and 16.9% had superficial fistula. The overall predictive accuracy of Goodsail's ruie in studied group was 68.30/o. It is significantly associated with the type of fistula. The high predictive accuracy in superficial fistula (94.4%), intersphincteric fistula (84.4%) and transphicteric fistula (69.09%) were observed. It was concluded that, Goodsalls'rule was not accurate in 31.7% of all fistulae; it can be used as a guide in locating the course of the tract and the internal opening.Item The Efficacy of Raktha Apamargadi Dhooma Varthi in the Management of Nasa Arsas (Nasal Polyps)(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2019) Peiris, K.P.P.; Ranasinghe, H.N.K.P.; Samaranayake, G.V.P.Nasal Polyps represent a challenging diagnosis for the physician to treat. Management of nasal polyps forms a large part of the workload because the available treatment modalities having unsuccessful results with reincarnation of removed polypoidal tissues. Among the Ayurvedic treatments, fumigation treatment (Doopana Kalpana) was used for the management of Nasal polyposis. This study aimed to introduce a new treatment modality with new formulation, which named as Rakta Apamargadi dhooma varti. lt had been practiced clinically but not scientifically evaluated. In the clinical study 20 patients were selected between the age of 16-60 years irespective of their sex, religion, occupation & habitat etc. They were divided randomly by lottery method into two groups. Group A was treated with Rakta ,4pamargadi dhooma varti as local treatment with internal medicine and Croup B was treated only with internal medicine. Al1 the patients were completed the treatment and follow up study. According to analysis, fumigation treatment has been shown better result for nasal obstruction and reducing the size of the polypoidal sprouts. However, while considering the other symptoms, headache, running nose, sneezing and ltching of eyes, both groups have been shown significant results.Item Effect of Yogasana on Improvement of Immunity related Outcomes – A Literature Review(2nd International Research Conference & Exhibition on Siddha Medicine -2020, Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kaithady, Sri Lanka, 2020) Abegunasekara, N.S.; Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Dharmapriya, A.K.H.; Dissanayake, S.A.R.R.P.; Ven Dhammissara MaduruoyeYoga is a universal practice which strengthens body physically as well as mentally. There is recent research evidence to suggest that regular practice of yoga postures strengthens the immune system and reduce chronic inflammation. ln fact, researchers have found an overall pattern that yoga duces pro-inflammatory markers, with the strongest evidence for the reduction of a cytokine called IL-Ibeta. This study was primarily designed to study the effect of Yogasana on enhancing immunity of the individual. An extensive literature review was conducted based onHathayogapradipikå journal papers and other related e-papers on yoga. All the Yogasanas mentioned in Hathayogapradipikåwere critically analyzed to determine a relationship between the regular practice of yoga posturesand the degree of immunity. The study revealed that the most effective yoga to activate the regular functions of the immune system is combination of Yogasanas, Pranayama and meditation. Further, practice of Yogasana increasesthe amount of antibodies such as leukocyte, eosinophils and monocytes and stimulate inflammatory responses. Yogasanas are also extremely beneficial to manage Stress which is often associated with an increased occurrence of autonomic and immune system pathology. On the basis of the review, it can be concluded that Yogasanas are effective in improving a variety of immune system-related outcome measures. However, these effects warrant further methodologically rigorous studies to determine the clinical implications of the findings for inflammatory outcomesItem Diagnostic Procedure Associated with Astrological Concepts: A Literature Review(2nd International Research Conference & Exhibition on Siddha Medicine -2020, Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kaithady, Sri Lanka, 2020) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Abegunasekara, N.S.; Dharmapriya, A.K.H.; Dissanayake, S.A.R.R.P.; Ven Dhammissara MaduruoyeAstrology and medicine are intimately linked in as much as the science of healing forms an important part of remedial astrology. Principles and training of medical astrology is an intricatesubject that needs a great compact of knowledge and in-depth study. The main utility of medical astrology is to cosmic effects under different planetary conditions at the time of a disease are likely to be beneficial or detrimental to the patient and implement the diagnostic plan accordingly. This study was designed to review the astrological concepts that have been used to establish a correlation between the planets and diseases in terms of the signs of the zodiac that have shown a strong relationship with diseases and different parts of the human body. The review was based on notable manuscripts and other texts that contain descriptions of this relationship. The study revealed that the signs form the part of the body of the Kälpuruya starting from Aries and starting from the Ascendant. Thus an astrologer can foresee the possibility of a person liable to suffer before the onset of the disease. From the calculation of the period and sub-periods of the planets, he can determine the time of the onset of the disease and its duration on the basis of one's horoscope. Horoscope is a very potential instrument that can be used effectively in diagnostic and treatment plans. However, apart fromthe indications of the diseases that may be present in a horoscope, the astrologer must seriously analyze the transiting influences and the circumstances of the case on hand for accurate diagnosis. Thus it can be concluded that medical astrology, if used with a sense of proper understanding, can aid medical diagnosis.Item Effective Ayurveda Treatment Protocol for Hemorrhoids – A Case Study(2nd International Research Conference & Exhibition on Siddha Medicine -2020, Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kaithady, Sri Lanka, 2020) Balasooriya, M.G.D.N.; Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Dharmapriya, A.K.H.; Dissanayake, S.A.R.R.P.Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that occur in the anus and lower rectum. They can be external, appearing around the skin of the anus, or internal, arising in the lining of the anus or rectum. Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when there is an increase in the pressure in the small blood vessels causing them to swell and engorge with blood. The major causes of hemorrhoids include prolong constipation, poor dietary habits, lack of consumption of water and straining while defecation. The complications of hemorrhoids can be prevented by treating the hemorrhoids at early stage. This case study-assessed the efficacy of a treatment protocol used in the management of a 54-year-old male hemorrhoid patient presented at the surgery clinic of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, complaining of permanent bulging out a mass after defecation along with rectal bleeding and mucus discharge. His medical history revealed that he has been subjected to constipation over a period of 4 years. On examination he was diagnosed with degree hemorrhoids in early stage. Treatments were scheduled both internal and external medication along with yoga. He was treated internally with Triphala churna, external application of Sarvavishadi oil and practicing Sarvangasana for ten minutes daily up to one-month period. After the treatment protocol, rectal bleeding and mucus discharge completely stopped and 3rd degree hemorrhoid was reduced to the 2nd degree hemorrhoid stage. Patient was followed up through one month and there were no any signs of advancing the stage of hemorrhoid. Triphala churna possesses the potential to purify blood and balance the vitiated doshas while Sarvavishadi oil reduces the inflammatory signs of hemorrhoids. Sarvangasana acts as a supportive medication to trigger the action of internal and external medication. It is suggested to design a clinical trial with a larger sample size in order to confirm the effect of this treatment protocol.