Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute-Gampaha
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Item Comparative Clinical Study of Efficacy of Seethodaka Oil & Dashanga Lepa in the Management of Chronic Wounds(2nd International Research Conference & Exhibition on Siddha Medicine -2020, Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kaithady, Sri Lanka, 2020) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process with the wound environment changing with the changing health status of the individual. The knowledge of the physiology of the nonnal wound healing trajectory through the phases of haemostasis, inflammation, granulation and maturation provides a framework for an understanding of the basic principles of wound healing. Through this understanding the health care professional can develop the skills required to care for a wound and the body can be assisted in the complex task of tissue repair. A chronic wound should prompt the health care professional to begin a search for unresolved underlying causes. Healing a chronic wound requires care that is patient centered, holistic, interdisciplinary, costeffective and evidence based. Forty patients with varicose ulcer were enrolled in this comparative clinical study. For each group twenty patients were selected randomly, informed consent was attained and then they underwent treatment with either Seethodaka oil or Dashanga Lepa for dressing daily for 8 weeks. The follow up duration was minimally I -2 months. In the study percentage of 57.5% male and 42.5% female patients in the sample Age group of 30 to 40 years 20%, 41 to 50 years 32.5% and 51 to 60 years 47.5% of patients were chronic ulcers with different wound size, pain and other criterias in the two groups. P values of group A (P=O.005) > P values of group B (P = 0.000), therefore reduction of the wound size in the Group B (Dashanga Lepa) is more significant than Group A (Seethodaka oil). It was concluded that the application of Dashanga Lepa can be used more effective than Seethodaka oil on healing of the wound management.Item Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Agnikarma – A Case Study(, 2nd International Research Conference & Exhibition on Siddha Medicine -2020, Organized by Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kaithady, Sri Lanka, 2020) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common condition that causes pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand, the median nerve is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. In most patients, carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse over time, so early diagnosis and treatment are important. If pressure on the median nerve continues, however, it can lead to nerve damage and worsening symptoms. To prevent permanent damage, surgery to take pressure off the median nerve may be recommended for some patients. Ayurveda has an advocated various treatment modalities such as Snéha, Upanäha, Agnikarma and Bandhana. Amongst these, Agnikarma seems to be more effective in providing distinct and instant relief. A 40 years old female patient was presented with severe pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm for 8 months. On examination, it was elicited that the patient was unable to hold objects properly by the affected hand. After careful examination, patient was treated with Agnikarma without any oral medication. Superficial multiple wounds produced by Agnikarma healed within 5-7 days. Patient visited for follow-up for 1 month after completion of treatment. Patient was advised not to lift any heavy objects and perform any twisting movement for further 6months. It was concluded that Agnikarma can be recommended as an effectiveness treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.Item Comparative study on different treatment modules in the management of Fistula – In - Ano (Bhagandara)(International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2020) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.; Peiris, K.P.P.Bhagandara is a common disease occurring in the ano-rectal region. Acharya Susruta, the father of surgery has included this disease as one among the Ashtamahagada. It can be correlated with Fistula-in-ano as described in western medical science. Fistula-in-ano is a track lined by granulation tissue which opens deeply in the anal canal or rectum and superficially on the skin around the anus. The incidence of a Fistula-in-ano developing from an anal abscess ranges from 26-38%. The prevalence in men is 12.3 cases per 100 ,000 populations and in women are 5.6 cases per 100,000 populations. The male to female ratio is 1.8: l. The mean age of patients is 38.3 years. This randomized prospective cohort clinical study was done to compare and evaluate the effect of new herbal formulation consisting of Vitex nigundo(root), Crativa adansoni (bark), Ricinus communis (bark), Plumbago indica(root) in managing fistula-in-ano conditions of patients in comparison to the effect of tripala decoction and kshara sutra. The patients were selected according to the selection criteria and randomly assign in to 2 groups (Group A, Group B) consisting of 20 patients for each. The patients of Group A was be treated with, Tripala decoction, kshara sutra and prescribed dietary management. The patients of group B were treated with, new herbal formulation, kshara sutra and prescribed dietary management during the period of 8 weeks. In the group A and group B mean changes or decrement of pain, burning sensation, itching and discharge, P values = 0.00 95% confidence level P < 0.05 both groups are same P=O.()()O. Therefore, no difference between both groups and it shows statistically significant. In the group A mean decrement of length of the fistulous track P value p = 0.005 at confidence level P < 0.05. It shows a significant decrement of the length of fistulous track statistically in 95% confidence level. In the group B mean decrement of length of fistulous track P value p = 0.000 at 95% confidence level P < 0.05. It shows a significant decrement of the length of fistulous track statistically in 95% confidence level. But mean decrement of length of fistulous track of the group B greater than that of group A, which means group B more statistically significant. Finally, based on the observed results and the pharmacodynamic properties of both treatment protocols, it may be concluded that new herbal formulation + kshara sutra + dietary management treatment module is more effective than Tripala decoction + kshara sutra + dietary management in the management of fistula-in-ano.Item An Ayurvedic Appraoch in the management of Ashmari (Urolithiasis)(International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research, 2019) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Peiris, K.P.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.In ancient centuries urolithiasis was often a disease, with a catastrophic outcome all too often leading to the patient's death. Even today, urolithiasis is the one of the most common affliction of the urinary tract. Detailed medical literature on urolithiasis is available from ancient India. As per classics, Ashmari is included in Ashtamahagada due to its fatal nature. Description of Ashmari is found in almost all Samhita Of Ayurveda as etiopathogenesis, classification, symptomatology, complications and management in a most scientific manner- Modem science also emphasizes on involvement of various factors like heredity, age, sex, metabolic disorders, hydration status, mineral content of water, nutritional deficiency, etc. For urinary stone formation. Urolithiasis typically occurs in middle age which is the most productive years of life. It causes pain, loss of working time, medical expenses, needs for hospitalization as well as it is infrequent cause of renal failure and death. Different management of urolithiasis has been developed in modern system but inspite of all these techniques, surgery remain treatment of choice. Even after surgery patients have to take medicines to check its further recurrence. In this way the need of medicinal treatment is always required.Item An Ayurvedic Appraoch in the management of Ashmari (Urolithiasis)(International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research, 2019) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Peiris, K.P.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.In ancient centuries urolithiasis was often a disease, with a catastrophic outcome all too often leading to the patient's death. Even today, urolithiasis is the one of the most common affliction of the urinary tract. Detailed medical literature on urolithiasis is available from ancient India. As per classics, Ashmari is included in Ashtamahagada due to its fatal nature. Description of Ashmari is found in almost all Samhita Of Ayurveda as etiopathogenesis, classification, symptomatology, complications and management in a most scientific manner- Modem science also emphasizes on involvement of various factors like heredity, age, sex, metabolic disorders, hydration status, mineral content of water, nutritional deficiency, etc. For urinary stone formation. Urolithiasis typically occurs in middle age which is the most productive years of life. It causes pain, loss of working time, medical expenses, needs for hospitalization as well as it is infrequent cause of renal failure and death. Different management of urolithiasis has been developed in modern system but inspite of all these techniques, surgery remain treatment of choice. Even after surgery patients have to take medicines to check its further recurrence. In this way the need of medicinal treatment is always required.Item Clinical Study of a selected indegenous decoction (Rathulunu kalan 06) in the management of Raktarsas (bleeding piles).(Pandit G.P. Wickramarachchi Memorial International Research Symposium 2012, 2012) Kaldera, H.P.I.J.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Hemorrhoids are the enlarged, bulging veins in the rectum. The main causes for this disease are the bad food habits and health habits of the people. It is recorded that 4% of the world's population are suffering from the hemorrhoids. Blccding from rectum, anal itching, occasional pain, burning sensation arc the common symptoms of the hemorrhoids. According to Ayurvedic Medicine; bleeding piles are called 'Raklarsas'. This decoction mentioned in "Desheeya Cikitsa Samgrahaya". This clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the above decoction in the management Of Raktarsas. Analyzed 30 Cases Of Rakrarsas in people, between 20 to 70 of age , who had complained of bleeding from rectum, constipation. burning sensation and pain in the rectum. They wcrc equally and randomly put into two groups; "Group A" and "Group B". ne "GroupA" was treated with 120ml of the selected decoction twice a day, 30ml Of the mixture Of Abhayarishla and Danthyarishla twice a day after the meal, 30g Of Sukumarachoorna With 240m' Of warm water before bed time and the external application Of the Sarvavishadi oil on the hemorrhoids twice a day for 3 weeks while the "Group B" was given the above prescription without the decoction. The effectiveness of the selected decoction was evaluated on the basis of clinical data. The results of thc trcatmcnt wcrc calculated by using the P-value. Statistically more significant results were observed in Group A than in Group B. According to this clinical study it was revealed that the selected decoction is one of the most effective treatments for Raktarsas.Item Management of Second Degree Hemorrhoids with the application of Achyrenthus aspera alkali powder: a case report(National Research Symposium -2016, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,, 2016) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Hemorrhoid, which is a condition defined as the symptomatic enlargement and distal displacement of the normal anal cushions, affects millions of people around the world, and represent a major medical and socioeconomic problem. Multiple factors have been claimed to be the etiologies of hemorrhoidal development, including constipation and prolonged straining. Abnormal dilatation and distortion of the vascular channel, together with destructive, changes in the supporting connective tissue within the anal cushion, are paramount findings of hemorrhoidal disease. Application of alkali (kshara karma) is a para surgical procedure indicated in the management of hemorrhoids, which has been extensively described in Susrutasamhita under the category of eight major diseases (Ashtamahagada). It is mentioned that alkali (kshara) can exert the properties of incision (chedana), excision (bhedana) and scraping (lekhana) without using surgical instruments. It destroys unhealthy tissues and removes debris while promoting the growth of new granulations. Achyrenthus aspera alkali powder (AAAP) is a water soluble caustic extract derived from the ash of Achyrenthus aspera plant. Because of its numerous medicinal properties, it is used in a wide range of diseases both externally and internally. In this case report, the effect of the application of AAAP on haemorrhoids is discussed. A 30 year old male patient visited surgical clinic of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital with complaints of severe pain, bleeding per rectum, protrusion of a mass from anus on defecation. After systematic clinical examination the case was diagnosed as a second degree hemorrhoid at 3, 7, and 11 (Yclock positions. This case was managed with the application of AAAP. AAAP was applied on the oedematous mass in the anal canal with the help of proctoscope and after one minute it was neutralized with the application of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) juice. This procedure was performed for 14 days without administration of any other medicine. After 14 days of treatment it was noted that the oedematous mass became shrink on proctoscopy and per rectal bleeding resolved. Further, the patient relieved from all symptoms gradually within the period of treatment. On this ground, it could be postulated that the application of AAAP would be effective in the management of second degree haem01Thoids.Item A Literary review on traditional medical systems for cancer in Sri Lanka(National Research Symposium -2016, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Sri Lanka developed its own medical system based on a series of prescriptions handed down from generation to generation over a period of 3000 years. Indigenous medicine of Sri Lanka called "Deshiya Chikitsa" was originated before 8000-10000 years ago. There are several ancestries in Sri Lanka which continue their special field of "Deshiya Chikitsa" even today. Sri Lanka has its own special science of medical treatments since the ancient times which employs indigenous and rare herbs and substances derived from plants. These medications can be used internally and externally as treatment for a number of illness as well as to prevent from lethal diseases like cancer. Herbs offer great potential to stimulate the healing process and can even destroy cancer cells. The research explores whether some herbs or plants treatment used in traditional medicine could help to prevent or treat cancer and improve the quality of life of all cancer patients. There is very little published information on the herbal remedies used by traditional medical systems. In traditional medical books and an ancient Ola leaf books, there is no direct definition for cancer. In indigenous texts cancer is described in many forms with signs and symptoms; for example, "Ala palaa gaduwa", "Ata palaa gaduwa", "Ila palaa gaduvva"ect. There is no any data base or compilation of traditional medicinal formulas. Therefore, this kind of study is an important need of era. The study is designed to refer the traditional indigenous medical texts to collect data on medicinally valuable remedies and details of cancer. This research intends to carry out a literary review on traditional medical systems for cancer.Item A Literary Analytical Study on the medicinal plants used in the management of Switra(Proceeding of the International Seminar on Ayurveda for Women's Health in 3rdGlobal Ayurveda Festival 2016, Kerala, India, 2016) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Switra' is a disease pertaining to 'Twak' which turns the normal color of the skin to white. It can be equated to that of 'Vitiligo' in contemporary medicine which an achromatic macular de- pigment condition resulting from loss of 'melanin' pigment. Though the contemporary medical science tries to treat this condition with different types of re-pigmentation therapies. They fail to offer satisfactory results. Traditional medical systems in this concern through holistic approach, can improve the personi appearance and restore the normal pigmentation of the skin. The research is focusing their interest on finding novel medicine to cure 'Switra' effectively and also efciently. Ola leave manuscripts of Sri Lankan Traditional system of medicine are valuable resource for invention Of new medicine. The author intend to review the literature information related to medicinal plants used in the treatment and management of 'Switra' with reference to Sri Lankan Traditional medicine. Authentic Traditional classics series named 'Thalpate Piliyam' 1-22 which contain prescriptions written in ancient Ola leaves were selected in this study. There were 21 prescriptions which have been used to treatment and management of 'Switra' were found. The majority of the application methods have shown under external application and also majority of recipes were contained under paste. There were 43 herbal plants were found which have been used to treat 'Switra'.Item Supremacy of ShalyaTantra over Modern Surgery(International Conference of SalakyaTantra" Salakya Sandipani - 2017" (3rdIntternational conference of TAS) organized by Department of Shalya Shalakya, Gampaha Wicramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2017) Samaranayake, G.V.P.; Pushpakumara, A.A.J.Sushrutasamhita describes the ancient tradition of surgery in India and is considered as one of the brilliant texts in ancient Indian medical literature. This treatise contains detailed descriptions of the way of teaching and practice of surgery by our great ancient surgeon, Acharya Sushruta, who had wide knowledge of surgery which has extreme relevance even in today's practice of surgery and other related surgical and medical branches. Sushruta was the famous surgeon of Kashi, known as Banaras. He used to teach and practice around 600 BC and had made significant contributions to various branches ofmedicine. Sushrutasamhita written by him is the foundation of Indian traditional system of medicine and it contains 186 chapters in which he has given description of 1120 diseases, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 from animal sources. He has given precise descrlption of method of dissection, preservation of Cadaver, types of suturing and suture material used, Yantra-Shastra (instruments), minor and major operative procedures, Bhagna (fractures and dislocation), Kaumarbhritya (pediatrics), 7ivak I'ikara (skin diseases), Panchakarma, and many more in addition to his well-known work of plastic surgery. Sushrutasamhita is considered as the landmark in the field of surgery and Acharya Sushruta is glorified as "Father of Indian Surgery". He performed surgeries in an era when no diagnostic facilities were available. Probably, it was his wide knowledge of basic science which made him such a versatile surgeon. The list of his contributions is never ending. In this review an attempt has been made to highlight the ancient surgical concepts of Sushrutasamhita which are being practiqed even today based on same basic principles with later modifications and amendments.