Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute-Gampaha

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Search Results

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    A Clinical Study on the Effect and Efficacy of Traditional Formulation Derived by Ola Leaves Manuscript in the Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia
    (Project Report, Graduate Studies Division, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Wijewardana, R.A.R.R.; Dissanayake, K.G.C.
    Anemia is a condition, characterized by reduction m the red blood cell volume or decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Iron deficiency anemia is a global public health problem among school age children which retards psychomotor development and impairs cognitive performance. Prevalence of anemia among children m Sn Lanka was 2560% as of 2016. Its highest value over the past 26 years. The treatment modalities for IDA have been unsuccessful even in this modern technologically-advanced era due to the adverse effects. Herbal chugs have been used m the treatment of IDA since ancient times. In this research, it was intended to investigate the effect of Virechana formulae in Ola leave manuscript for Iron deficiency anemia control in Sri Lankan context. For this purpose 90 patients were selected and randomly divided Into 3 groups as A, B and C. Group A was given FeS04, Group B given decoction and Group C was given decoction with Virechana. BMI, Hb count, MCV and MCH were measured. According to overall assessment the patients who treated with herbal formula With Virechana treatment (Group C) show best results and patients who treated with herbal formula m Ola leave manuscript (Group B) show better results than the Group A who treated with FeS04 in the levels of Hb count, MCV and MCH But difference of BMI of all three groups were not statistically significant. The present study evidence that the short term administration of new herbal formulation has shown significant effect in decreasing the IDA. So the new herbal formulation is an effective remedy for the management of Iron deficiency anemia among school children.
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    A Clinical Study on the Effect and Efficacy of Traditional Formulation Derived by Ola Leaves Manuscript in the Management of Overweight and Obesity
    (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020) Jayasena, R. M. D.; Dissanayake, K.G.C.
    Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fit accumulation that presents a risk to health. Once considered a high-income country problem, overweight and obesity are now on the rise in low and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The treatment modalities have been unsuccessful even in this modern technologically-advanced era. Herbal chugs have been used in the treatment of Staulya since ancient times. Thus in this research, it was intended to investigate the effect of Vtrechana formulae in Ola leave manuscript for overweight and obesity control in Sri Lankan context. Group A was treated with herbal formula for 4 weeks duration and Group B was firstly treated with Erechana procedure and then prescribed herbal formula for two weeks duration. When analysing the results of Group B, BIMI shows a P value of 0.000 which were highly significance. The mentioned traditional herbal formula is effective for the management of overweight and obesity related parameters. But it was more effective with the combination of Virechana procedure than individual. The overall results of present study evidence that the short term administration of new herbal formulation has shown significant effect in decreasing the overweight and Obesity. So the new herbal formulation is an effective remedy for the management of Overweight and Obesity
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    Antimicrobial Efficacy of Selected Ayurveda Formula against Laboratory Specimen of Staphylococcus aureus
    (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Karunarathna, S. B. M. M. M.
    Selected formula consisted of tllree ingredients including dried leaves of Azadirachta indica, dried seeds of Sesamum indicum and Bees' honey which is clinically use for open wounds. The current study was designed as a microbiological assay and the key objective was to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of TNK against laboratory specimen of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923). The Anti-Bacterial Sensitivity Test was conducted according to the Kirby Bauer method using Agar Well Diffusion method by comparing the effect of Amoxicillin as the positive controller and distilled water as the negative controller in triplicates. The testing drug was assessed as DI and D2 in concentration ratios respectively. Results of the study were obtained through the diameter measurement of inhibitory zone and assessed using one - sample T — test DI depicted p value as 0.024 and T - test was 4.44. D2 depicted p value as 0.100 and T- test was 1.89. Comparing to the positive control drug, the hypothesis was generated as Ho: μ ≤19 mm and H1 : μ>19 mm Referring to hypothesis, Hoof DI was rejected and HoofD2 was not rejected. The significant level was considered less tllan 5%. D2 concentration of TNK was significant against laboratory specimen of Staphylococcus aureus_ The study suggests that the TNK is consisted with an extrinsic effective antibacterial application for infected wounds which were caused by Staphylococcus aureus_ Further clinical study on human subjects will verify the efficacy of TNK in clinical manifestations.
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    Management of Cataract with Ayurveda Treatment Modality; a Comparative Clinical Study
    (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Srilal, U. L. N.
    The comparative clinical study was designed to evaluate the effect of Anjanavarti in the management of Cataract in comparison with Virecanakarma. Thirty patients were selected, suffering from Cataract and randomly divided in to two groups as group A and B. For the group A Anyanavarti was applied after the Virecana karma for a period of thirty days. For the group B Anjanavarti was applied for a period of thirty days. After the Anjanavarti treatment in group A, visual acuity was tested by using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. It was significant (0.001) in 0.05 levels which can be concluded that there was considerable effect after the treatment of Anjanavarti followed by Virecanakarma. Group B also significant (0.001) in 0.05 level. Therefore, it was concluded that there was a therapeutic effect of Anjanavarti in individual application. While group A and B were compared using Mann-Whitney U test, which elaborated two groups were not identical to each other with respect to visual acuity at after the treatment. According to the mean rank and sum of ranks between two groups after treatments, it can be clearly identified that mean rank of group A is less than group B, which means that the treatment effect of Visual Acuity in group A is better than group B while considering the results after the Virecana karma p value of total cholesterol (O. 132), LDL cholesterol (0.145), TGL cholesterol (O. 147) and HDL cholesterol (Based on positive ranks ) (0.176) were not significant in 0.05 level.
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    Medicinal importance of Ferula asafetida oligo-gum resins against infective diseases
    (Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2020, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Perera, W.P.R.T.
    Ferula foetida oligo-gum resin containing phytochemicals with anti-viral properties. In order to investigate medicinal values of ferula assa-foetida a literature searches were performed through PubMed and PMC academic publications. It contains five sesquiterpene cumarines namely, conferone, badrakemin, feslol, Isosamarcandin and samarcandin with anti-viral properties against Rhinovims (HR V) and Influenza A HINI_ Farnesiferol C and Famesiferol b are novel chemical scaffolds with HR V -2 inhibiting potential at low micromole and mode of inhibition action was prevention of rhinovims adsorption (HR V-2) and/or uncoatmg of the capsid of virus. 5'S-hydroxyumbe11iprenin and 8'-acetoxy- 5'S-hydroxyumbe11iprenin, methyl galbanate, galbanic acid, famesiferol-C, famesiferol-A, conferol showed greater potency against influenza A vims (H IN 1) (IC50 0.26-0.86 pg/mL) than amantadine. Several studies demonstrated that cytotoxic and antitumor activity of Galbanic acid. Additionally, exhibits anti-bacterial effects, anti—diabetic effects, anti- fungal, antiulcer genic effect and hypotensive effects. Asafoetida oligo-gum resin will be beneficial in anti-viral drug productions against disease forming viruses.
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    Potential of Inhibiting the Receptor Binding Mechanism of SARSCOV-2 Using Phytochemical Extracts of Medicinal Herb; Moleculer Docking Study
    (Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 2020) Rajapaksa, R.M.H.; Perera, B.T.; Nisansala, M.J.; Perera, W.P.R.T.; Dissanayake, K.G.C.
    The Corona Viral Infective Disease (COVID-19), which leads to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is caused a pandemic situation globally. World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30, 2020. Intend of this study is divulge the chemistry behind the phenomenon of viral (SARS-CoV-2) attachment on human epithelial cells as well as evaluate the receptor blocking abilities of selected herbal compounds. Significant anti- viral compounds were identified via review process of medicinal plants and Ferula asafetida, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Curcuma longa, Zingiber officinale etc. are widely used plant species for drugs against viral infectious diseases in Ayurveda medicine. Molecular docking prognosis have been carried out to demonstrate any possible secondary metabolites present in several anti-microbial herbs that could act as blocking agents ofACE2 and GRP78 receptors of epithelial cells to baffle the binding of receptor-binding domain (RBD) sections of SARS-CoV-2. Computational findings reveal that Phyto-chemicals such as Conferone, Samarcadin, Bdrakemin Famesiferol A, Femesiferol C and Galbanic acid isolated from Ferula asafetida have intensive binding energies for ACE2 receptor binding process. Apart from that Hederagenin and Ursolic also shows highest inhibitory potential towards human ACE2.When considering GRP78, almost all isolated compounds in oligo-gum resins ofFeru1a asafetida trot out perfect binding ability towards the active site of GRP78 receptor. Hence, it is worth to pay more attention on natural phytochemicals for mitigating of human infections.
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    Root/Stem Extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra; As a Medicinal Plant Against Disease Forming Microorganisms
    (International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR),, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Weerakoon, W.M.T.D.N.; Perera, W.P.R.T.
    Nature is one of the major sources of medicines since the beginning of human civilization. Different counties around the globe have been used different plant materials to overcome varieties of ailments from simple cough to hepatitis to more complexes like SARS and most recently Covid 19. This review is an effort to emphasis the phytochemical and chemical constituents of G. glabra and their mechanisms against disease forming microorgamsms. This traditional plant which is well known in Sri Lanka as "Welmi" is belongs to family Leguminosae/ Fabaceae. Chemical constituents of G. glabra like isoliquiritine, isoflavones, glycyrrhetic acid, saponin and their derivatives have been examined for their pharmacological activities. Most critical chemical compounds which isolated from the root/stem extract of the G glabra are Glycyrrhizin and Glycyrrhetic acid. Glycyrrhizin is a prominent triterpenoid contain in Glycyrrhiza glabra which is responsible for the sweet taste of its roots. Glycyrrhizin act as anti-viral compound in tun) ways. It is able to inhibit the replication process of some RNA viruses such as SARS like corona type virus. Another process is acting as an immunostimulator. It has been used to treat patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C virus and HIV-I patients owing to its capability of stimulating endogenous viral defense mechanisms.
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    Immunomodulatory Efficiency of Tinospora Cordifolia Against Viral Infections
    (World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Perera, W.P.R.T.; Premasinghe, N.
    Most of the cases, viral infected patients are suffering from secondary infections. Apart from that, due to the exhausted Immune system patients more vulnerable to secondary Infections and various diseases. Dysfunction of the immune system is responsible for multiple illnesses, such as arthritis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, allergies, parasites, cancer, and infectious diseases. So, medicinal plants and their active components are becoming increasingly relevant as a source of immunomodulatory agents. T. cordifolia stem extracts or the isolated compounds of the plant exhibits amazmg immune stimulatory effects in various ways isolated compounds of T. cordifolia such as N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and Il-hydroxymustakone, Magnoflorme and Tinocordiside shows immunomodulatory effects by enhancing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation which causes to augment the Immune response. T. cordifoüa extract exhibits a considerable effect of the immunostimulation in HW positive patients and, increases the phagocytosis and intercellular killing capacity by increasing the survival rate and polymorphonuclear leucocyte function. In addition to that, a novel (1,4)-∝-D-glucan from T. Cordifoüa activates the immune system by activatmg macrophages via of TLR6 signaling and NF-kB activation mechanism, leading to cytokine and chemokme production. Immunoductatory protem (Imp) obtained from the dry stem powder of Tinospora cordifoüa is significant for augmenting the various immunological activities in the human body. Hence, more attention should be focused on the phytochemistry and their applications of the Tinospora cordifolta for Immune enhancements as well as reduce secondary infections risks along with the viral infections.
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    Potential of the Pathogenic Microorganisms Mitigation Using Rhizome Extract of Acorus Calamus as a Medicinal Herb
    (World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Perera, B.T.; Perera, W.P.R.T.
    Acorus calamus exhibits polyploidy and phytochemical coruyosition also depends upon the ploidy. Scented leaves and rhizomes have been traditionally used m Ayurveda medicine for bronchitis, cough, fever, asthma and digestive problems. Pharmacological studies have revealed that Acopus calamus and its major constituents, particularly P-asarone and a-asarone possesses a wide range of amazing pharmacological activities such as anticonvulsant, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory, memory enhancing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, sedative, CNS depressant, behavioral changes anticancer, cardiovascular, cytoprotective, antidiarrheal, and immunosuppressive activities. In addition to the above-mentioned pharmacological actions, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anthelmintic and insecticidal activities are also reported.
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    Traditional Sri Lanakan Spices for Dyslipidemia, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
    (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2020) Dissanayake, K.G.C.; Liyanage, R.P.; Ranasinghe, R.H.S.
    Sri Lanka is a country where has efficacious food cultures related to their traditional life styles. In traditional food recipes native spices such as Garcinia cambogia or Garcinia zeylanica (Goraka or Malabar Tamarind), Tamarindus indica (Siyambala or Tamarind), Piper nigrum (Gammiris or Pepper), Trigonella foenum-graecum (Uluhal or fenugreek) and Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Kurundu or Cinnamon) are enriched. Recent advances in global perspectives on non-communicable diseases reconsidering traditional foods including spices for health prevention and promotion. Therefore, the current study aims to review ethnomedicinal value of aforementioned spices considering its biochemical effect on lipid profile including total cholesterols, triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins at cell biology and effect on biochemistry in cellular level. The study was designed as a literature review through primary and secondary literature sources which are available online with utmost attention to peer reviewed and indexed journal articles. Thirty articles were considered as references while reviewing fifty two related research studies. Biochemical modifications in cellular sites relevant to management of serum lipid values were identified in each of spices. Biochemical effect on lipogenesis and lipid metabolism in each variety were identified. The study suggests that the consumption of spices is beneficial in lipid level management.