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Item 1 අග්බෝ රජ දවස විසූ ෙදාළොස් මහා කවීහු(S. Godage and Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 675, P. de S. Kularatne Mw., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, 2014) Abeynayake, O.Item (1) සාහිත්ය විචාරය නිශ්චිත විධික්රමයක සිරගත කළ යුතු ද? (2) විචාරයේ කේන්ද්රය නිර්මාණයයි(S. Godage and Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 675, P. de S. Kularatne Mw., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, 2014) Rathnayake, M.P.Item The 1971 Insurgency in Sri Lankan Literature in English(Modern Fiction Studies, 1993) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item 2020 රාජ්ය සාහිත්ය සම්මානිත හොඳම පද්ය සංග්රහයේ කාව්යාලංකාර භාවිතය පිළිබඳ අධ්යයනයක් (එරික් ඉලයප්ආරච්චි - හම්බාවා පද්ය සංග්රහය)(Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2021) ගුණරත්න, යූ. එම්. ඩී.මිනිස් සිතුවිලිවලට වඩාත් හෘදයාංගම වන කවියේ මුඛ්යාංග සිව් වැදෑරුම් වෙයි. ඒ කාව්ය ආකෘතිය, පරිකල්පනය, සංයත බව හා භාෂාවයි. කවියක ආකෘතිය පහළ වන්නේ වස්තු වින්යාසයේ අනිවාර්ය ඵලයක් ලෙසිනි. භාෂා විශාරදයෙකු, බහුශ්රැතයෙකු, සියුම් චින්තකයෙකු වන කුමන අයෙක් වුවද අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම මනාවූ පරිකල්පන ශක්තියකින් යුතු අයකු විය යුතුය. සෑම කවියකටම කිසියම් මුඛ්ය හැඟීමක් පාදක වන අතර කවියා සිය රචනයේදී සූචනය කිරීමට යත්න දරන්නේ එකී හැඟීම් සමුදායයි. කවියේ සංයත බව වන්නේ එයයි. කවියක සෞන්දර්යය, රමධෑය බව නඟාලීමට නිතැනින්ම දායක වන්නේ කාව්ය භාෂාවයි. කවියකට උචිත බසක් නොමැති වුවද භාෂාව හැසිරවීමට උචිත ක්රමයක් පවතී. සිත්තරුවෙක් පින්සලකින්ද කැමරාකරුවෙක් කාචයකින්ද මවන රූපය කවියා මවන්නේ භාෂාවෙනි. පෙරදිග මෙන්ම අපරදිග කවියෙන්ද ආභාසය ලැබූ ඉලයප්ආරච්චීන් සිය කාව්ය නිර්මාණවලට ව්යංග්යාර්ථවත් බස, අලංකාරෝක්තිවලින් පරිපුෂ්ට බස, කාව්යෝක්තීන්ගෙන් සැරසුණු බස සේම සංකේතාත්මක පද බාහුල්යය සහිත බස ආදි භාෂාවේ විවිධ ප්රභේද උපයෝගී කර ගත්තේය. කාව්යකරණයේදී භාෂාවට මූලිකත්වයක් දුන් එතුමා එය හඳුන්වන ලද්දේ “භාෂාව නම් සාහිත්ය යාතු කර්මයක්”ලෙසිනි. මෙහිදී “ කාව්යාලංකාර,” යන්නෙන් කාව්ය ශරීරය ශෝභාවත් වෙයි. එය ශබ්දාලංකාර හා අර්ථාලංකාර ලෙස දෙවැදෑරුම්ය. එබැවින් වෘත්තය, ලය, එළිසමය, අනුප්රාසය සහ යමකය යනාදී ශබ්දාලංකාරයන්ද උපමාලංකාර, රූපකාලංකාර, උත්ප්රේක්ෂාලංකාර, අතිශයෝක්ත්යාලංකාර ආදි අර්ථාලංකාරයන්ද “හම්බාවා” පද්ය සංග්රහයෙන් නිරූපණය වන ආකාරය පිළිබඳ විමසා බැලීම මෙහි පර්යේෂණ අරමුණයි. 2020 වර්ෂයේදී හොඳම කාව්ය සංග්රහයට හිමි සම්මානයට පාත්ර වීමට “හම්බාවා” පද්ය සංග්රහයේ “කාව්යාලංකාර භාවිතය” අභිභවා ගිය වෙනත් භාෂා ප්රභේදයන් හේතුභූත වී දැයි අධ්යයනය කිරීම මෙහි පර්යේෂණ ගැටලුවයි. ඒ සඳහා ප්රාථමික මූලාශ්රය ලෙෂ “හම්බාවා ” පද්ය සංග්රහය යොදා ගන්නා අතර ප්රාමාණික උගතුන්ගේ ශාස්ත්රීය ලිපි ලේඛනද ඇසුරු කර ගැනීමට අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. කාව්යයක සාර්ථකත්වයට “කාව්යාලංකාර ” භාවිතයේ ඇති වැදගත්කම මෙමඟින් අධ්යයනය කළ හැකිය. අනූව දශකය, ඩොග්මේ සිනමාව, පෙරටුගාමී සිනමාව, සිනමා ශෛලීන්Item 70, 80 දශකවලට සාපේක්ෂ ව නූතන නාට්ය ජනගත නොවීම සම්බන්ධ ව විමසීමක්(Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Godakanda Arachchi, E.K.Item 90 දශකයේ බිහිවූ ඩොග්මේ සිනමාව පිළිබඳ විමසුමක්(Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2021) සඳරුවන්, එල්. ජී. එස්. යූ.සාහිත්යය, සංගීතය, නර්තනය, චිත්ර යනාදි සියලුම කලා මාධ්යන්ට වඩා සිනමාව ප්රබල කලා මාධ්යයක් ලෙස කලා විචාරකයෝ හඳුන්වති. එය කර්මාන්තයක් වන අතරම සමාජයේ විවිධ ක්ෂේත්ර විදහාපාන කැඩපතකි. ලෝකයේ සිනමාව නම් කලා මාධ්යයට ඇත්තේ වසර 100ක තරම් කෙටි ඉතිහාසයකි. ලෝකයේ අනෙකුත් කලා මාධ්යයන්ට සාපේක්ෂව විමසීමේදී එය සතුව ඇත්තේ ඉතා කෙටි ඉතිහාසයක් බව පැහැදිලිය. එම සිනමා ව්යාපාරය තුළ මතු වූ ප්රබලතම සහ පුරෝගාමී මැදිහත් වීමක් සේ ඩොග්මේ සිනමාව හඳුන්වාදිය හැකිවන්නේ එම සිනමාව තුළ වූ මතවාදී හා ප්රායෝගිකත්වය හැඩය සුවිශේෂ වන බැවිනි. පෙරටුගාමී සිනමා ව්යාපාරයක් ලෙස සැලකෙන මෙම සිනමා ශෛලිය ඉංග්රීසි භාෂාවේදී Dogm f,i;a" ලෙසත්, ඩෙන්මාර්ක් භාෂාවෙන් Dogme ලෙසත් සම අරුත් ගන්වයි. මෙම ඩොග්මේ සිනමාව එවකට සමස්ත සිනමාවම මුහුණ දෙන නිශ්චිත ප්රවණතාවන් හා අභියෝගයන් හඳුනාගනිමින් ඒ කෙරෙහි මුහුණ දිය යුතු ස්වභාවය හඳුනාගනිමින් හා එය විග්රහකරමින් ප්රායෝගිකව භාවිත වන්නට විය. මෙම 90 දශකයේ බිහිවූ ඩොග්මේ සිනමාවේ සංවර්ධනය, අරමුණු, නීති, නිර්මාණකරුවන් මෙන්ම එම සිනමා ශෛලියේ අවසානයද කලා කෘති කිහිපයක් ඇසුරෙන් මෙම පර්යේෂණ පත්රිකාව සකස් කිරීම මෙහි අරමුණයි. ඩොග්මේ සිනමාවේ ඉහත දැක්වූ කරුණු සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට The Celebration, The Idiots, Lovers, Julien Donkey Boy චිත්රපට උපයෝගී කරගැනීමට අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. ප්රාථමික මූලාශ්රය ලෙෂ ඩොග්මේ 95 ප්රකාශනය සහ කන්යාභාවයේ දිවුරුම (Vow of Chastity) නම් සුප්රකට ලියවිලි යොදා ගන්නා අතර ද්විතීක මූලාශ්රය ලෙස විෂය ක්ෂේත්රයට අදාළ ග්රන්ථ, තෘතීය මූලාශ්රය වශයෙන් පුවත්පත් හා අන්තර්ජාලය භාවිත කෙරේ. මේ සඳහා යෝජිත පර්යේෂණ ක්රමවේදයන් වශයෙන් කැලණිය විශ්වවිද්යාලයේ සිනමා හා රූපවාහිනී විශේෂවේදී උපාධියේ පළමු වසර මෙන්ම දෙවන වසර සිසුන් 100 නියැදියක් ගෙන ඔවුන්ගෙන් ප්රශ්නමාලා ක්රමය, සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා ක්රමය මගින් තොරතුරු රැස් කිරීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වේ. කලාව යනු විශ්වීය භාෂාවක් වේ. ඩොග්මේ සිනමාව මගින් මිනිසාගේ හුදු රසාස්වාදයට වූ බලපෑම තුලනාත්මකව තක්සේරු කරලීම මෙහි ප්රධාන අරමුණයි.Item A critical study of ancient Sri Lankan Buddhist monasteries(Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, 2012) Dhammadassi himi, DodamkumbureItem A Linguistic-Analysis of 'Thula' usage(Essays in Social Sciences and Humanities, (In Honour of Professor Chandra Wickramagamage), 2012) Rajapakshe, R.M.W.Item A Monograph on Honore de Balzac(2011) Hewabowala, E.S.Item A Rule Based Syllabification Algorithm for Sinhala(Lecture Notes in Computer Science/ IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2005) Weerasinghe, A.R.; Wasala, R.A.; Gamage, K.N.This paper presents a study of Sinhala syllable structure and an algorithm for identifying syllables in Sinhala words. After a thorough study of the Syllable structure and linguistic rules for syllabification of Sinhala words and a survey of the relevant literature, a set of rules was identified and implemented as a simple, easy-to-implement algorithm. The algorithm was tested using 30,000 distinct words obtained from a corpus and compared with the same words manually syllabified. The algorithm performs with 99.95 % accuracy.Item A study of Sinhalizations in Sinhala-English Mixed Discourse(Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2014) Senaratne, C.D.W.Pronunciation plays a vital role in creating a language acceptable to all. This is also true in the case of Sri Lankan English (hereafter SLE). This study concentrates mainly on the phonological features of non-standard SLE, identified mainly by deviations in pronunciation of a few vowels and consonants. The objective of this paper is to analyze the terms characterized as non-standard by using Muysken?s theory on Code Mixing. The proposed analysis will categorize elements into insertion and congruent lexicalization strategies. The study will analyze recorded speech of 20 urban bilinguals to obtain data. Self-assessment questionnaires will be used to determine attitudes towards phonologically marked items. Results will reveal that terms which are phonologically marked as non-standard. These phonologically marked items identified as Sinhalizations show more affinity to Sinhala phonology and are based on the speaker?s first language. They are products of a grammaticalisation process.Item A survey of English skills of new entrants to Sri Lankan universities in 2011?(Humanities Journal: Issue 16. Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2011) Senaratne, C.D.W.Item A Theravadi analysis of the poem(Sumanaprabha, 2007) Dhammadassi himi, DodamkumbureItem Abeywardhana Dilki Sandarekha Jasing; Perera H.D.; Achini Poornika; Gunawardhana H.G.; Sureshika Lakthilini; Dissanayaka R.A. Nethmi Madhara (2021), The Gothic Elements in the Sri Lankan Film “Garasarapa”, Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Humanities Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 121p.(Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2021) Abeywardhana, Dilki Sandarekha Jasing; Perera, H.D. Achini Poornika; Gunawardhana, H.G. Sureshika Lakthilini; Dissanayaka, R.A. Nethmi MadharaThis research study seeks to examine the gothic representations depicted via religion and superstition in the Sri Lankan contemporary film Garasarapa (2018). Garasarapa [The Lurking Serpent] directed by Jayantha Chandrasiri has been selected as the primary source for this research. This research study argues that the representation of gothic elements in this film explores the impact of the Sri Lankan culture in the expression of religion, such as Buddhism and Christianity since the 21st century. Moreover, the gothic ideologies and belief systems prevalent within Sri Lankan society are demonstrated through the demonology of Black Prince; Kalu Kumaraya. The review of previous research on gothic literature reveals the East Asian gothic elements, gothic symbology in film and television, beliefs concerning myth and monstrosity and the uncanny in Asian Diasporic film and literature. However, the study reveals the presence of a lacuna in the area of study concerning the impact of the Sri Lankan culture in representing religion and gothic ideologies in the film, Garasarapa. Textual analysis is the primary research method used in this study to chiefly examine the visual text. Since the research examines historical events, the study will also be conducted according to a historical approach while taking into consideration the subjectivity of the researchers involved in the study. This research study aspires to examine the manner in which the Sri Lankan culture has influenced the portrayal and expression of religion and gothic ideology within the Sri Lankan society. Moreover, this study argues that Garasarapa is a reflection of Sri Lankan social and cultural values, ideologies and traditions, contributing to the depiction of an Asian gothic element usage in the film.Item Abigail(2003) Hewabowala, E.S.Item Academic studies in Buddhism and the Universities in Sri Lanka(S. Godage and Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 675, P. de S. Kularatne Mw., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, 2014) Karunadasa, Y.Item Acara Rasayana. - A concept from Sanskrit Literature for Holistic Health.(International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Sarangee, Y.; Wimalasiri, G.The present day life is full of competition. To cope up with the psychological problems people turn to different types of healing systems. Rasayana is the rejuvenation therapy to prevent old age and diseases and it enhance good memory power, intelligence, strength and longevity. Sanskrit medical Literature has described certain rules and regulations to be followed by an individual to keep a sound mind and a sound body. This study is aimed to find Sanskrit revelation for a specific treatment method mentioned in Ayurveda authentic books for complete physical, mental and social well being of a human life. Ayurveda Samhitas in Sanskrit were used in the study to collect information. Acara rasayana is a rejuvenation method which helps to gain all the above benefits by good behavioral changes and good code of conduct; but without any involvement of drug usage. Samhitas elaborate detailed instructions regarding Acara rasayana. It advices to uplift the good qualities of human life while improving the personality. Also this code of good conduct according to Acara rasayana improves individuals by developing social relationships, enabling individuals to obtain better physical health and enhance spiritual well being. According to Ayurveda a human creature is created with conjugation of Sharira, Indriya, Satva and Athma. Hence a set of virtuous acts are mentioned in the context of Acara rasayana relevant to sharira (body), indriya (sensory organs), satva (mind) and athma (soul) in order to obtain above mentioned benefits. The complete effect of rasayana cannot be achieved by purifying the body itself; there must be a method to purify the mind and soul. The knowledge of Acara rasayana which is in Sanskrit should be revealed to the world with the accurate meaning of their terminologies. Quality research which goes hand in hand with this knowledge will be helpful to bring out healthy nations worldwide.Item Acceptance and Use of Emergency Online Learning Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study Based on ESL teachers and Students in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2021) Dilhara, S. R.; Herath, H. M. D. N.; Kavindi, M. K. R.The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted tremendously on daily functions, and the education sector has undergone major changes. Notably, the shift to emergency online learning has led to a myriad of positive and negative perceptions from both teachers and students. Though e-learning has been prevalent since Education 4.0 emerged as an aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, it came into the spotlight during the Covid-19 pandemic. As a post study to the two preliminary studies the researchers have done on the attitudes of ESL teachers and students towards online learning, this study was developed with the objective of investigating if both the teachers and the students would prefer online learning in a post Covid-19 world. For the purpose of achieving the objective, the researchers conducted survey research with online questionnaires and interviews as a part of the mixed-method approach employed. The same sample of sixty teachers from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels and a hundred tertiary level students from major state universities were selected. As the data disclose, the majority of the teachers have mentioned that their computer literacy is low level and connection issues are a major barrier. If e-learning is to be continued post pandemic, teacher-training programs and projects related to enhancing the facilities of e-learning are essential. The student responses reveal that they are deprived of social interaction that might lead to increased stress, frustration, anxiety, avoidance of lessons, and notable behavioural changes. Therefore, both the teachers and the students prefer on-sight classrooms post pandemic. Observing the results of the previous research studies and upon the comparison of the results of the two preliminary studies, the researchers came to the conclusion that the ESL teachers and tertiary level students in Sri Lanka highly believe on-sight classes should be conducted in the post Covid-19 world.Item The Accuracy of the Usage of Prepositions by Learners of English as a Second Language in Dictation Tasks: Primary and Secondary Levels in Schools(Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Jayasinghe, R.R.English prepositions are often vague and confusing, and extremely hard for Sinhala speaking ESL (English as a second language) learners to learn the nuances of all the prepositions. Littlefield (2006) has found four categories in the domain of English prepositions based on ± lexical and functional categories: adverbial prepositions [+lexical, -functional], particles [-lexical, - functional], semi-lexical prepositions [+lexical, + functional] and functional prepositions [-lexical, + functional]. The aim of the study is to examine the accuracy patterns in the usage of English prepositions of ESL students in Sri-Lankan schools, comparing primary and secondary levels. The research problem of this study is, whether these ESL learners would initially imitate the sentences with different prepositional categories differently in the lower grades and by Grade 10, all the prepositional categories would be imitated equally well. A pool of 316 students from two government schools participated in this study, and 65 of the students were randomly selected from each Grade: Grade 4, Grade 6, Grade 8 and Grade 10 for the test. A Dictation task in which the sentence battery had a total number of 40 sentences, including 10 sentences each to test the four categories of prepositions found by Littlefield, used in this test to collect data. Students were asked to listen to the recorded sentences one by one carefully, and write them down. The scripts were marked and the scores were analysed by using Excel spread sheets and SPSS 12 using the experimental method. An ANOVA was run to investigate the significant variances between the correct use of the four categories of prepositions by these students across these four Grades. The findings can be applied to facilitate teaching prepositions in ESL classrooms from Grade 4 to Grade 10, and also in making the necessary changes in school syllabuses, text books and lesson plans on the relevant course units on prepositions.