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Item Colonial Neuroses: Kipling and Forster(ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 1974) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Nuthana Sinhala Ketikatha(Nuthana Kala Nirmana Saha K. Jayathilake, 1983) Gunawardhana, N.D.Today Sinhala short stories are very famous among readers. Writers have selected different areas of society for their creations. So we can know the variance of our society by reading these short stories.Item The theory of Empedocles on the Origin of life against the background of Greek Myths(Aquinas Journal, Aquinas, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1985) Jayasekera, K.The theory of Zoogony as put forth by the Greek philosopher and how he had analyzed its development according to the cosmic cycle he had presented provides many thought provoking theories to the moderns. As for example the concept of adaptation to the environment, struggle for existence and the evolution factor makes one even ponder on the validity and the connection they have with theories expounded by many others much later in time. But a Classist is also led to observe the connection or affinity the theories have with the age old myths of the Greeks. Myths had originated in Greece, may be before writhing had developed. They are, also not without reasons, believed to science of ancient man. Analytical examination proves that either the later thoughts of the philosopher had been affected by the earlier myths or that he his thoughts had developed, though independently on the same lines. For the purpose, the methodology used was to examine the various myths, their points of agreement or disagreement. The outcome was critically compared with the philosophical ideas of Empedocles.Item The Verb in Early Sinhalese(1986) Premaratne, Asoka ChandrasiriItem Femininity and the position of Women in Ancient Rome(Aquinas Journal, Aquinas, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1987) Jayasekera, K.The belief is that no human woman gave birth to the founders of Rome. They were children of she wolf. The characteristics the Romans prided themselves of is quite visible from this. They were proud of their masculinity, war like nature and courage that their nation was built with. But this paper examines the role of women, their relationships and their interactions with men and its results. The interesting findings would prove that it is the very femininity that had empowered them over their male counterparts to such an extent that it was they who initiated many political changes. The examination was made through in-depth analysis of chosen significant occasions. On almost all incidents and their outcomes the males retained their superiority that they so believed in while in actual fact it was the will of women that held the day.Item Sri Lankan Poetry in English: Getting Beyond the Colonial Heritage(ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 1990) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Panchathanthraya ha Hithopadeshaya(Vishva Sahithyaya (Published by dept of cultural affairs), 1990) Gunawardhana, N.D.Panchathanthraya and Hithopadeshaya are very ancient Sanskrit books. We can see so many influences of these books on Sinhala literature. So by this research paper I have explained important instructions which we can get from these books.Item Illukvava Terracotta Figurines(Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, Colombo, 1990) Nandadeva, B.D.Item Drama and the origin of Greek Literary criticism(Thalalle Sri Dhammananda felicitation volume, Ministry of Buddhist affairs, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1990) Jayasekera, K.The paper explicitly examines the validity of considering Greek Old Comedy as an agent of introducing Literary Criticism to the ancient West. Had Aristophanes been aware of the revolution he was making in putting on stage two poets? Or was it just the product of his usual characteristics he indulged in producing comedies? He had made prominent Greek tragedians, namely Aeschylus and Euripides indulge in a contest in Hades, where only the essence of man was allowed to exist. The evaluation criteria as well as the reference to the responsibility of a poet in a war torn nation is highlighted. However there also remains the fact that he had criticized existing methods of evaluating literature, Bringing on to stage yard sticks and weighing machines.Item Miyuru Sandese Venum Maga(Sri Revatha, 1991) Gunawardhana, N.D.Mayura Sandeshaya which was written by Kavishvara, belongs to Gampola period. It is our first Sinhaloa sandesha poetry. Author compliments about king, prime minister, chief incumbent and so many places from Gampola to Devi Nuwara. So I have explained about these compliments.Item Parivarthana Navakatha saha Ema Bovari(Vimalakirthi Sambhavana, 1992) Gunawardhana, N.D.There are two sections of this article. First I explained about translated novels in modern Sinhala literature, there are so many translations of English novels and Russian novels. Ema Bovari is also a Russsian novel. This is a very famous novel among readers. In this novel Gustav Flobere has expanded Ema Bovari?s character very cleverly.Item Rock Art of Sri Lanka(Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 1992) Nandadeva, B.D.Item Sri Lanka's "Ethnic" Conflict in its Literature in English(World Literature Today, 1992) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Sinhala Vyakyana Sahithyaya Saha Jathaka Atuva Getapadaya(Sinhala Sangarava, 1993) Gunawardhana, N.D.Commentaries books help readers to learn Pali, Sanskrit or Sinhala text books. The golden era of Sinhala commentaries literature is Polonnaruwa period. Jathaka Atuva Getapadaya belongs to Polonnaruwa period. In this research paper, I have explained about the language and commentary methods of this book.Item The 1971 Insurgency in Sri Lankan Literature in English(Modern Fiction Studies, 1993) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Quartet -- The Other Tagore(Journal of South Asian Literature, Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1993) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Aristophanes, the poet who crossed the boundaries of time(Sambhasha, Ministry of culture and Higher Education, Colombo ,Sri Lanka, 1993) Jayasekera, K.The study focuses on Aristophanes the sole representative of old Greek Comedy. This is an analytical study of his dramas. The poet is considered to have concentrated on the social, political and economic situation of the time he lived in. hence his dramas consisted of a topical value. His aim had been to find remedies to the weaknesses he saw in contemporary situations through providing a dream of a solution through his comedies. Some have even been led to refer to his plays as representative of a comic paper. But on examining in depth one is led to recognize the universal quality of his productions which surpasses the boundaries of time, land and the social context. The paper critically examines the messages provided in his creations which reach across time to appeal to even the twenty first century Sri Lankans.Item The ideas on rebirth in Greek philosophy(Sambsha, Ministry of Education, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1994) Jayasekera, K.The paper concentrates particularly on the ideas expressed by Greek philosophers on the concept or rebirth. In Greek philosophy many have expressed theories on what happens to the essence of a human being after death. Many have sought to resolve this mystery. The philosophers seem to consider the importance given to the universal and the worldly and the weight given to morality of humans. Some are of the opinion that rebirth was a result of cause and effect ? actions , experience and the quality of one?s essence taking a large part in the results. The intention is to examine the interrelationship, development and the importance allotted to the concept.Item Sri Lankan Drama in English: Metamorphosis through Migration(World Literature Today, 1994) Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A.Item Socrates, Aristophanes and Historical Fact(Sambhava,Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1995) Jayasekera, K.The exercise comprise of an attempt to examine the relationship that Aristophanes had with Socrates, in the backdrop of Classical Greece. Many are of the opinion that TheClouds, staged by Aristophanes was indirectly instrumental in bringing about the death sentence against Socrates. The study is carried out through a n examination of the existent plays, Plato?s The Symposium , The Apology etc.The study is also made with reference to the characteristics of his plays, the innovations he had introduced and the results of other plays which he had used to criticize other prominent personalities. Most of all emphasis is made on the reasons that had made him so critical of the;Was it personal or political?