8th HRM Student Research Symposium 2021
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Item Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Employee Engagement: Study of Operational Level Employees in Atlas Axillia (PVT) Limited(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Rajapaksha, K. D. A. P.; Ranasinghe, V. R.Engagement has recently received consider able attention from scholars. However, much remains to be learned about it. workplace spirituality has been conceptualized as offering new insight into how individual experience a deeper level of instruct work motivation and engagement. The purpose of this research is to identify the impact of workplace spirituality on employee engagement in the workplace. This research is a quantitative research study. The population of the study was operational employee in Atlas Axillia (PVT) LTD. Simple random sampling techniques used to select the sample. sample size was 230 and data collection was done through a self-administered questionnaire. A Google form was created and distributed to collect data. The number of employees who responded was 205 among 230 employees. Accordingly, the final actual sample was 201. Statistical package for the social science (SPSS), version 23.0 was used as the data analysis software in this research study. This study found that workplace spirituality has a direct effect on employee engagement.Item Impact of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, on the Usage of E-books of Undergraduates: With Special Reference to Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Yapa, Y. M. D. J.; Ranasinghe, V. R.The advantages of adopting e-books in education are universally acknowledged by students and teachers. Learning becomes more interactive and interesting with the use of digital books. Students can now actively participate in the learning process rather than passively listening to one person talk. Learning becomes more enjoyable and engaging when e-books are used in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to examine how perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use affect the usage of e-books by the undergraduate, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were used as independent variables and e-book usage is the dependent variable. The impact of independent variables and dependent variables were mediated by behavioral intention to use. The sample was 335 undergraduates selected from the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the undergraduates. Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement on Five Point Likert Scale as the scaling method. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Mean Score and Standard Deviation were used for all the variables for univariate analysis and correlation coefficient was used for bivariate analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the Correlation and regression analysis and Sobel test. The findings showed that there is moderate positive core relation between two independent variables and the dependent variable. These findings have consequences for educators and instructional methodologists, who must balance the benefits of new learning technology with the realities of student perceptions and use.Item Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Adaptation to the University Life: Study of Undergraduates in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Witharana, .A. D.; Ranasinghe, V. R.University students are fit in the university institutional setup, students will have to require adapting their behavior and values to fit with those of the institution. The purpose of this study was to analysis of the factors affecting the undergraduates’ adaptation to university life. This was carried out as a cross-sectional field study, in which the researchers’ interference with the study sample was minimal. This study is carried out as quantitative research work. The final sample consists of 247 respondents selected randomly from the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Primary data were collected through a survey questionnaire developed based on the standard measurement scale, which was administered to the respondents directly via online mode, as a google form. Data analysis was done with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel. To test the relationship between variables Pearson correlation technique analysis was used. Simple regression analysis was used to identify the degree of the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable was analyzed by using the R square value. And it was found to be that there is a strong positive relationship between university adaptation and academic adaptation, university adaptation and social adaptation, university adaptation, and personal-emotional adaptation and findings revealed a significant impact of academic adaptation, social adaptation, and personal emotional adaptation on university adaptation in Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Insights and conclusions of the present study are useful for the academia and administrators of university education to make decisions on what methods should use to adapt university students.Item Impact of Workplace Ostracism on Turnover Intention of employees: With special Reference to Operational Level Employees in a Selected Garment Factory in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wimalasena, P. G. N. D.; Ranasinghe, V. R.This study focuses on investigating the impact of workplace ostracism on turnover intention and how workplace stress influences the relationship between workplace ostracism and turnover intention. The current study was carried out as a cross-sectional field study, predominantly applying the hypothetical- deductive approach, in which the researchers’ interference with the study sample was minimal. The population of the current study comprises the operational level employees of a selected garment factory in the Gampaha district. Therefore, the unit of analysis is at the individual level. Simple random sampling was applied to select the study sample. The sample size of this study was 196 respondents according to the Morgan table. Out of 200 questionnaires distributed, 178 responses were received from the survey. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0. Through the analysis of the study, the researcher tried to assess the impact and identified a significant association between workplace ostracism and turnover intention of the operational level employees in the selected garment factory. It is found that there is a significant positive impact of workplace ostracism and turnover intention. Also, workplace ostracism and workplace stress are significantly positively correlated and there is a moderate positive correlation between workplace stress and turnover intention. Finally, this study empirically confirms that workplace ostracism is the main factor that led to employee turnover intention and statistically validates the mediation effect on the impact of workplace stress on employee turnover intention. Accordingly, it is suggested for managers and practitioners to establish such a culture, calm environment by improving teamwork in the workplace.Item Impact of Proactive Personality on Innovative Work Behavior of Employees: Study of Banking Officers of People's Bank in Western Province of Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wijethunge, M. G. G. P. H.; Ranasinghe, V. R.As a result of globalization and the tremendous development of information and communication technology, innovations are identified as key to gain a competitive advantage in today’s work environment. Organizations are moving forward by using innovations as their differentiation strategy. To innovations, organizations need employees with innovative work behavior because innovation is the key to success and long-term survival in the competitive market. Personality is one of the major roles in considering innovative work behavior and proactive personality is considered as most suitable for changes surrounding the environment. The purpose of this study was to examine how proactive personality affects the innovative work behavior of banking officers of People's Bank branches in the Western province, Sri Lanka. Proactive personality was used as the independent variable and innovative work behavior was the dependent variable. The relationship of independent variables and dependent variable were moderated by co-worker conflict. The sample was 341 respondents selected from banking officers of People's Bank branches in the western province. Questionnaires were used to collect the data from the banking officers. Respondents were asked to indicate the frequency that they engage in activities in the questionnaire on the Seven Point Likert Scale as the scaling method. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Mean and Standard Deviation were used for univariate analysis of all the variables and correlation coefficient was used for bivariate analysis. The hypotheses were tested using correlation and regression analysis and linear regression analysis. The finding of the study proved that proactive personality has significant impact on innovative work behavior and there is strong positive correlation between proactive personality and innovative work behavior. This study findings will support the management of organizations to promote innovative culture in the workplace and gain competitive advantages through ideas.Item Impact of Autocratic Leadership Styles on Employee Engagement of Non-Managerial Employees of Public Sector Offices in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wijesinghe, H. P. M. P.; Ranasinghe, V. R.Public sector organizations play a big role in Sri Lankan economy by providing significant amount of job opportunities. Public sector organizations always being criticized by the public because of public sector employees are not properly engage to their duties. The leadership styles of the heads of the institutions also have a direct impact on this issue. Therefore, purpose of this study was to assess the impact of autocratic leadership style on employee engagement of non-managerial employees of public sector offices in Kurunegala district. This study is carried out as a quantitative explanatory research work. Further, simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. This is a cross sectional research and standard questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Questionnaires are distributed among 214 of non-managerial employees who are currently working in selected two Divisional secretariat offices in Kuliyapitiya town area. To analyze received questionnaires data, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) was used. To interpret data analyzed and to obtain the result graphical charts, descriptive statistical techniques such as mean, mode, standard deviation and histograms, correlation and coefficient, simple regression analysis and residual analysis were used. To test the relationship between variables Pearson correlation technique analysis was used. Simple regression analysis was used to identify the degree of the impact of the independent variable on dependent variable. And it was found to be that there is a significant moderate negative relationship (-0.505) between autocratic leadership style and employee engagement. The present study would provide the direction to HR policy makers, employees, supervisors and to future researchers.Item Influence of Work-Family Conflicts on Organizational Commitment of Operational Level Female Employees in Tea Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wijesingha, G. V.; Mendis, M. V. S.Work-family conflict is a form of inter-role conflict in which work, and family demands are mutually incompatible; meeting the demands of both domains is difficult. Commitment implies an intention to persist during action. Hence, organizations often try to foster commitment in their operational level female employees to achieve stability and reduce costly turnover. The present study empirically evaluated three work-family conflict dimensions: time-based, strain-based, and behavioral-based conflict. This study considered three dimensions of dependent variables. That is affective commitment, normative commitment and continuances commitment. The study’s objective was to identify the influence of work-family conflict on the organizational commitment among operational level female employees in tea manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. The sample consisted of 123 operational level female employees, and printout questionnaires were used to collect data. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to examine the data from the questionnaires. When work-family conflicts and organizational commitment are considered, the research reveals a moderately negative relationship between work-family conflicts and organizational commitment. Further, it reveals that work-family enrichment is a current need for the female employees of the tea industry in Sri Lanka. The findings are discussed in line with the existing literature, while the study recommends effective organizational policies and practices to improve and encourage organizational commitment.Item Employee Grievances Handling and Its Effect on Employee Turnover Intention: Study of a Private Hospital in Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wijerathne, M. N. K. W.; Mendis, M. V. S.The primary purpose of this study was to identify employee grievance handling and its effect on employee turnover intention. This study was carried out as quantitative explanatory research work. Further, the sample was selected randomly and used a simple random sampling technique. This is cross-industry descriptive research, and a standard questionnaire was used to collect primary data through a survey. Questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 63 executive employees who are currently working in a selected private hospital The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences [SPSS] 23.0 version. Descriptive statistics, normality, linearity, correlation, and regression are used to analyze the data and make conclusions. Findings revealed that Employee grievance handling and its effect on employee turnover intention. Moreover, the findings of the study provide numerous implications for HR practitioners, management practitioners, and policymakers to enhance employee grievance handling method and decrease employee turnover intention in private hospitals in Sri LankaItem Importance of Soft Skills on Career Development(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wickramasinghe, U. V. K. W.; Darshani, R. K. N. D.Soft skills are important to be successful in professional life. It became an essential part of the career development process in today's business context. People who are having these soft skills can easily capture new career opportunities than the others who are not qualified with these personal qualities. It can be added value to our professional life. But there is a soft skill gap in the job market. The purpose of this research was to identify the most prominent soft skills in the job market and to examine the importance of soft skills on career development. This study is done based on the Sri Lankan context compared with literature based on different countries. This study is based on the qualitative-deductive approach, and this is a cross-sectional study. Data was collected via a focus group discussion and structured interviews with the participation of students and employers. The researcher has identified personal perceptions, organizational support, and demand for soft skills in the job market as independent variables and career development as the dependent variable. So based on the findings, the researcher has identified communication skills, leadership skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, and adaptability as the most prominent soft skills in the job market and benefits of having those personal qualities to develop their career. And the researcher is recommended to establish soft skills as a subject for students in their academic programs, build friendly work environments, and provide more training and development programs to develop soft skills. This study would provide direction to HR practitioners, students, employers, and to future researchers.Item Impact of Occupational Health and Safety on Employee Productivity: Study of a Leading Construction Company in Sri Lanka(Department of of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021) Wickramasinghe, U. K.; Mendis, M. V. S.Construction has become a major development factor in many countries. Construction projects are unique. The construction industry faces many challenges related to the labor force. So, employee productivity is increasing. However, more important is the decline in employee productivity. Poor management of construction projects can lead to reduced productivity, delays in projects and cost overruns. It is significant for the HRM department of the construction industry to maintenances the employees who can perform at their full potential. This study aimed to determine the impact of occupational health and safety on the productivity of operational-level employees at the leading construction company in Sri Lanka. This study is carried out as quantitative explanatory research work. Further, the sample is selected randomly using a simple random sampling technique. The study was a cross-sectional field study explanatory research, and a standard questionnaire was used to collect primary data through a survey. Questionnaires are distributed to a sample of 123 operational employees currently working in the construction company. Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, regression and correlation analysis were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Graphical charts, histograms, scatter plots, boxplot, and residual analyses were used to interpret data analyzed and obtain the result. It was found that there is a significant moderate positive relationship between occupational health and safety and employee productivity. Work output, standard achievement, time management are the dimensions of the dependent variable, and they had a significant impact on occupational health and safety. The present study would guide HR policymakers, operational employees, supervisors, and future researchers.